A year later, a boat accident near Terschelling is still a sensitive issue

A year later, it is still difficult for authorities and stakeholders to talk about the boat accident off the coast of Terschelling. Exactly a year ago, four people were killed in a collision between the fast ferry and a water taxi.

The investigations into the accident are still ongoing, but are nearing completion. The Dutch Safety Board reported a few days ago that the draft report is available for reading by all those involved and that the final report can be presented quickly after their responses.

In addition, there is a criminal investigation into both skippers, who are being prosecuted for, among other things, manslaughter and causing serious bodily harm. The Public Prosecution Service expects that the criminal case can be dealt with in the first quarter after New Year’s Eve.

The collision between fast boat Tiger and water taxi Stormloper on the early morning of October 21, 2022 is the biggest drama in the 100-year history of Rederij Doeksen as a passenger carrier. All four fatalities were on the water taxi, the body of 12-year-old Riemer was never found. The four other passengers were injured. The crew and passengers of the Tiger were unharmed.

Slowly through the Schuitengat

The ongoing investigations make talking about the consequences of the accident “difficult” for those involved, but also for the authorities. Since the accident, the fast ferry between Harlingen and Terschelling has not sailed faster than 20 kilometers per hour through the Schuitengat, says Doeksen director in the appendix story about the noticeable consequences of the catastrophe.

During the collision, the Tiger was sailing in the Schuitengat at 55 kilometers per hour, which was always a normal speed in that stretch of shipping channel. However, according to Rijkswaterstaat, there is a maximum of 20 kilometers per hour due to nature legislation, because the Schuitengat is not a ferry route.

Furthermore, the water taxis to the Frisian Wadden Islands have largely stopped sailing between sunset and sunrise. This may not be faster than 20 kilometers per hour and, according to them, then has no added value. Until the accident, faster sailing was tolerated for years. At the time of the boat accident, Rijkswaterstaat was discussing a solution with the water taxi operators. It is interesting that the director of the Doeksen shipping company, which also operates a water taxi, was the spokesperson for the group. He couldn’t continue with that after the accident.
