A wild speech about Leijon from the head coach of crushed Denmark

The head coach of Denmark uploaded a high assessment of Leijon and appealed to his team’s absentees.

The tournament of Heinz Ehlers and Denmark ended dully. PASI LEISMA

Denmark’s head coach by Heinz Ehlers pesti at the helm of the national team ended in a harsh way on Tuesday in the Nokia Arena. Leijonat hammered the media cube with a 7-1 crushing score.

Ehlers started as the head coach of Denmark in 2020 and will next move to Switzerland as the head coach of EHC Visp.

During the match, many Finns wondered if the Danes had already lost their interest in playing, as the team’s fifth place in the group had been sealed before the Finland match.

Ehlers, on the other hand, praised the Lions from earth to heaven.

– Today I faced a team that was better than any team I have ever faced, Ehlers shook.

– My biggest fear going into the game was that we would lose 9–0, 10–0 or 11–0. Finland has incredibly talented individuals and is really well trained. 1–7 is a big loss, but that’s fine for us. This could have been a lot worse.

Ehlers admitted that in a situation where there is no contribution, it is hardly possible for the players to give their all.

– I don’t blame our players for not being better. They tried, but in their heads the tournament was already over. I can’t deny that it had a certain effect. But in the game we didn’t think so. We played against a great team.

Ehlers said he worried before the tournament that Denmark would have to struggle to stay in the series. Things weren’t that bad after all, because in practice Denmark and Germany played in their mutual match for a place in the quarterfinals.

– We had to be without 3-4 of our best defenders. This is not a problem for Finland, but it is a problem for a smaller puck country.

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