a warm encounter between Prince Charles and Queen Letizia

Prince Charles and Queen Letizia met for art.

Tim Rooke / Shutterstock, AOP

Prince Charles, 73, warmly welcomed Queen Letizia of Spain, 49, to Auckland Castle, England. The warm-hearted encounter of the royal duo was also immortalized in photographs in which Charles and Letizia greeted each other like old friends.

The duo met in the sign of art, as there is a Spanish artist in the castle Francisco de Zurbarán show. Charles, dressed in a gray suit, and Letiz, representing a long black jacket and red dress and high heels, met in the courtyard of the castle.

You can see pictures of the duo’s warm encounter below.

Charles and Letizia greet each other with cheek kisses. Tim Rooke / Shutterstock, AOP

In addition to the cheek kisses, Letizia got a kiss from the prince on her hand.

The warm encounter of the royals was perpetuated on camera. Tim Rooke / Shutterstock, AOP

Charles and Letizia walked forward hand in hand in the castle courtyard.

Charles represented in a gray suit and Letiz relied on a long black jacket as well as shades of red. Tim Rooke / Shutterstock, AOP

Source: People
