A strong hailstorm causes damage to vehicles and homes in Montsià

After almost a week of extreme heatthe rainy. There are several areas of Spain on alert for this storm that can leave storms and episodes of violent weather during this Saturday and the next few days. In Catalonia, according to the information issued by the Servei Meteoròlogic de Catalunya, the rains will arrive throughout tonight and the next morning.

Hailstorm in Montsià

However, at this time they are already registering significant rainfall, especially in the south of Catalonia. At some points in the Ebro regions, 20.5 mm have been collected in 30 minutes. A rainy afternoon is expected accompanied by some storms that will reappear on the coast this Sunday.

A strong storm accompanied by large stones has caused damage this Saturday afternoon to vehicles and homes in the Senia (Montsià). The fallen stones, as documented by several witnesses, had the approximate size of chicken eggs.

As confirmed by the local police, the episode has affected numerous cars parked on public roads, as well as windows in homes and pipes.

intensity threshold

In southern places like Ulldecona and Mas de Barberans The so-called intensity thresholds have already been exceeded with values ​​greater than 16 liters per square meter in ten minutes, that is, the rains have left a large amount of water in a short time. The structure of this rainy frontin the form of the letter U, is characteristic of storms that are loaded with associated phenomena of violent weather.

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The reservoirs, at the moment, are in the worst situation of all those that have been experienced in the current drought. Its capacity, on average, in Catalonia, is below 24%. The hope, however, is that the poor state of the marsh reserves coincides with the arrival of rains and the approach of the autumnone of the moments of the year in which the window usually opens to receive precipitation.

During this Saturday afternoon, 112 has received 110 calls derived from the #*INUNCAT Alert. The majority, 104 calls, precisely, have been made from Montsià.
