A striking number of work accidents in the Tesla factory near Berlin

The Tesla factory in Grünheide

The Tesla factory in Grünheide Photo: picture alliance/dpa

By BZ/afp

According to a media report, there are significantly more workplace accidents in the German factory of the US car manufacturer Tesla than in other automobile companies in Germany.

These included serious and extremely serious accidents at work, the “Stern” reported according to an advance report on Thursday, citing information from authorities and emergency services.

Tesla's Gigafactory in Grünheide near Berlin

12,000 people currently work at the plant in Grünheide Photo: dpa-Bildfunk

“This frequency of work accidents is not normal,” said the district manager of IG Metall for Berlin, Brandenburg and Saxony, Dirk Schulze. He emphasized that his “greatest concern is that someone will die at some point.”

At times, according to “Stern” information, accidents occurred almost daily at the factory in Grünheide, Brandenburg. According to rescue centers, an ambulance or helicopter was called 247 times in the first year after opening, the magazine reported.

Converted to the number of employees, this is three times as many emergencies as, for example, at the Audi plant in Ingolstadt.

According to the company, more than 10,000 employees are currently working at the factory in Brandenburg – “22,500 employees are possible in the future,” explained Tesla. The group wants to double production capacity at the plant to one million cars.


Currently Grünheide Tesla accident
