A service taxi driver was stabbed to death in Lleida

The Mossos d’Esquadra they investigate the homicide of a cabbie in Lleida. The man was found lying on the ground of a street in the neighborhood of the border about two in the morning this Sunday. He was alive but seriously injured. He was rushed to hospital but died about three hours later. According to the sources consulted by EL PERIÓDICO, he had various wounds compatible with a knife.

The victim is a man Maghreb origin that he did not own the cab. He covered the night shift working for the owner of the car license, which is part of the Lleida taxi service.

The agents of the homicide group of the Police Region of Ponent de los Mossos have taken charge of the investigation of the case.

One of the main clues that agents must follow is who was the last customer that the employee picked up, given that he was attacked while on duty. The killer that investigators are looking for stabbed the driver repeatedly with the knife.
