A serious woman and three more minors injured when a car fell 10 meters

A woman has turned out serious injury and three minor in less serious condition this Sunday when the car in which they were traveling in Gironella (Barcelona) fell from a cliff from ten meters.

Sources from the Generalitat Bombers have explained that they have been alerted at a quarter past four this afternoon of the event, which occurred on a forest track in the area of ​​the Gironella campsite.

Thus, the firefighters have moved to the scene of the event four crews that have worked to rescue two of the people who have been left inside the car, one of them physically trapped between the remains of the vehicle and the other unable to get out of it.

Sources from the Emergency Medical System (SEM) have informed EFE that uA service helicopter has transferred a 46-year-old woman in serious condition to the Parc Taulí hospital in Sabadell while three more minors have been evacuated to the Berga hospital.
