A Russian restaurant that has been operating for decades is closing down

Several Russian restaurants have been in trouble since Russia started the war of aggression in Ukraine.

Archive photo of restaurant Troika from 2004. JUHA TÖRMÄLÄ/KL

The legendary Russian restaurant Troikka is closed. A restaurant in Helsinki tells about it on its pages. The restaurant was founded in 1968.

Be the first to report on it Helsingin sanomat newspaper. Troika’s restaurant manager Pekka Pellikka had previously told HS that the Russian war of aggression affected the restaurant’s sales “significantly”.

Troikka is not the first Russian restaurant that has had to close its doors since Russia started its war of aggression in Ukraine.

Ville Haapasalo closed its short-lived Soviet restaurant Davai Davai in May 2022. In February, Bellevue, the world’s oldest Russian restaurant operating outside of Russia, reportedly collapsed.

Bellevue’s sales had shrunk to less than half of what they were before the war, the restaurant owner said Zhiming Peng had told HS at the time. Haapasalo also said that the reason for closing Davai Davai was “the world political situation”.

In July 2022, Ville Haapasalo told how Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine has affected his life. IL-TV
