A rare picture! Suvi Hartlin published pictures of her daughter

The photos published by radio presenter Suvi Hartlin have received a warm reception on social media.

Radio host and ex-miss Suvi Hartlin published rare photos of her daughter. Arttu Laitala

Radio host Summer Hartlin, 43, rejoices at the new phase of her child’s life. Hartlin says in his Instagram post that his 15-year-old daughter has visited the high school. The publication contains pictures of the daughter both as a child and as a teenager.

– It took 15 years for something. It’s a rather wistful feeling, but above all, I’m incredibly proud of the kind of young man he’s grown into. I love you so much, the post says.

If the link is not visible, you can view the publication from here.

Hartlin’s many social media followers fell in love with the presenter’s post. Heart emojis and congratulatory messages have poured into the post’s comment field.

– You have a beautiful girl.

– A beautiful daughter just like her mother.

– Congratulations.

– Yes, you can see where the daughter has inherited her beauty.

Among the comments is also a message from Hartlin’s ex-spouse Jussi from Mänstysaari.

– Grandma, the man writes with a heart emoji.

Hartlin announced in July 2023 that he and Mäntysaari have separated after 12 years of relationship. With the change in life, Hartlin took a break from his radio work in August, but returned to the lines in mid-September.

Hartlin has moved on in his life, as he said in November that he was in a relationship.

– I met a really handsome man who completely stole my heart. And what’s best, the man also has a lovely two-year-old dog, the host said in his Instagram post.
