A rally driver was seriously injured during practice at Koli – He drove out at 150 km/h

Both the driver and the map reader were injured in the accident.

The injured were taken to the hospital to receive treatment for their injuries. Inka Soveri

A rally car driver had an accident during a test drive in Koli on Saturday, September 2, when the car went out in a bend. The rescue service says that the car went off the road on a closed road section intended for training.

The accident happened on a curve turning to the left, when the car went into a ditch on the right side. The car hit rocks and flipped through the roof several times. The speed of the car at the time of the accident was 150 kilometers per hour.

According to the rescue service, the driver of the car was seriously injured in the accident. The map reader received minor injuries.

The rescue service says in a release that both were transported to the central hospital to receive treatment for their injuries.
