A pro-Russian Ukrainian politician murdered in his home

The Russian Instruction Committee confirmed this Monday the murder of a pro-Russian administration official in the Ukrainian region of Kherson, the scene of an offensive by the Ukrainian Army. The deputy head of the Kherson administration for agricultural affairs, Alexei Kovalev, has been found deador at home with a gunshot wound, according to the official statement.

The woman with whom he lived has also been murdered with a knife, reported the committee, which intends to establish the identity of those involved in the murder.

In 2019 Kovalev became a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada or Ukrainian legislature for the president’s party, Volodymyr Zelensky. When the war broke out, he returned to his hometown, Golaya Pristan, and began collaborating with the Russian-imposed civil-military administration in the Kherson region. Kovalyov had already been victim of an attack with a car bomb in June, for which he had to be hospitalized.

poisoned mayor

With this latest murder, there are already five officials killed by Ukrainian partisans in that region bordering the annexed Crimean peninsula. In addition, the mayor of the regional capital, Vladimir Balanceis in a coma in a Moscow hospital after be poisoned.

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With these actions, kyiv wants to provoke the chaos in the Russian rear and prevent the holding of a referendum that paves the way for the illegal annexation from that territory and neighboring Zaporizhia.

In the last two months the Ukrainian Army has launched numerous subversive actions and sabotage in the south of the country and in Crimea, which includes blowing up arsenals, bridges, supply chains and military bases. Ukraine denies any responsibility in the recent murder near the Russian capital of Daria Duguinadaughter of a popular Russian ultranationalist thinker, for which Moscow holds the Ukrainian secret services directly responsible
