A political balance of the games: Olympia in the red area – background – Olympia

Pure disinformation

Even in one of the most blatant cases of politicization of the Olympic Games in recent history, the “Lords of the Rings” almost let the Chinese hosts do nothing. A spokeswoman for the Beijing organizing committee interrupted IOC representative Mark Adams in the daily joint press conference and, before the eyes of the world press, pursued China politics and disinformation in its purest form.

The Chinese policy on Taiwan is “recognized worldwide”, reports about concentration camps for Uyghurs in the province of Xinjiang are a “lie”, long since invalidated by evidence – a slap in the face for the IOC too.

Bach only responded the next day and only when asked. The IOC immediately contacted the organizing committee. You have “Reaffirms the consensus that we are unequivocally committed to political neutrality, as enshrined in the Olympic Charter.” topic ended. The waxy reaction made it clear once again how great the power of the Chinese and their huge markets in the Olympic world is now.

The Valiyeva case reveals problems

Kamila Valiyeva will keep the IOC and all other major sports organizations busy for quite a while. The 15-year-old Russian figure skater was allowed to start in Beijing despite a positive doping test. Her case revealed urgent problems in the Olympic world in a variety of ways: with regard to minors in competitive sports, blatant weaknesses in the anti-doping system and how the major institutions with Russia and the state doping scandal.

And the “Team Germany”? Bitter corona cases for the athletes Eric Frenzel, Terence Weber and Nolan Seegert clouded the mood, but the German Olympic Sports Confederation is satisfied with the medal balance – however, it also shows a lot of room for improvement: All German medals were shared between the bobsleigh and sled association and the German Ski Association . In Pyeongchang, five other German associations had won precious metals, this time snowboarding, ice hockey and figure skating went away empty-handed.

DOSB wants to “do homework” for the application

the DOSB I now want to carefully prepare my own application. However, the new President Thomas Weikert, who announced that he would apply as soon as possible in the course of his election in December, is also expressing himself under the impression of the difficult Beijing Games – he called them one “ordeal” – on the brakes.

He described a German initiative with regard to the 2030 Winter Games, which have not yet been awarded “maybe too early”, but sticks to it: for the first time since 1972, the Olympics should go back to Germany. You have to use your “Do homework”IOC members convince and with politics and population “pull together” – a Herculean task, after these games in Beijing more than ever.
