A phenomenon of the time. Is it back from cancellation?

He Jey Mammon caseaccused of sexual abuse but dismissed by the Justice, exposes the dilemma of social condemnation that prevents labor reintegration of morally questionable figures. The controversy surrounding his presence at the Martín Fierro awards ceremonythe public confrontation of peers and his displacement from the air channel that has him contracted until the end of the year opens the way to the question that he titles This week’s NEWS cover: Is it back from cancellation? An analysis of the evolution of moral sanctions from Antiquity to our ecosystem of media and social networks. Also, other episodes of celebrity boycotts.

Also in this edition, the Unit with forceps of the ruling party. Massa seeks to compensate Scioli and Wado de Pedro. And Grabois, the progressive hook.

Also on the cover betting boom and advertising rampage. And the urban music artists who succeed abroad.

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