A pet-friendly city, Milan is suitable for dogs and cats

Milano pet-friendly city, truly dog-friendly: this is the opinion of 79% of the 9 thousand interviewed, all people who visited the Quattrozampeinfiera event in Milan and said they were satisfied with the place where they live. The research also involved Rome for central Italy and Naples for the south, the other stages in which the most important “pet event” in Italy was presented, and it went less well.

What to know before adopting a dog: 10 tips

Dogs, cats and Madonna. Milan is the most pet-friendly city in Italy

The investigation carried out by the Observatory Quattrozampeinfiera highlighted the habits of pet owners many reasons to be satisfied and other aspects that can be improved. For example, 78% of respondents have access to walking areas for dogs near your home but they could be better lit, equipped and divided by size. It was also suggested that it could be inserted occasionally educators who give advice on the management of dogs in moments of freedom.

You can celebrate the presence of dog daycare but there is room for improvement on the implementation of services dedicated to emergencies and short-term care. Only 45% of respondents consider i accessible restaurants for those who have a dog, over 51% report severe limitations. The request to restaurateurs? Opening the doors to all our four-legged friends.

Excellent coverage hygiene and health services: 77% confirmed that they can find grooming shops near their home. 91% reach the vet comfortably. What’s missing? Income-based aid to always guarantee assistance to the animals.

Urban mobility is easy for over 86% of those interviewed who confirm that they use public transport with their pet dog. Access to them is more complicated supermarkets: only 18% confirmed that they go shopping with their dog since few shops allow it.

In Naples and Rome there is a lack of dog nurseries

The surveys were also carried out in Naples and Rome. The capital of Campania is dog-friendly for only 51% of those interviewed. 72% can bring their dog public transport, only 47% have access to dog walking areas near home, only 34.16% confirm the presence of dog nurseries nearby.

Things are better in Rome where 74.57% of those interviewed consider the city dog-friendly. 79% can take their dog on public transport, 69% are satisfied with the dog walking areas but only 32% have access to dog nurseries.

What dog owners ask

Therefore, some needs emerge that are common to all the city. More spaces dedicated to dogs for physical activity and socialization. More drinking fountains and waste bins. More welcome in supermarkets, museums and restaurants for all dogs, regardless of size.

Meanwhile, not only Rome and Naples but also Padua and Turin are preparing to welcome the 2024 edition of Quattrozampeinfiera, entirely dedicated to pet-friendly culture (Rome 24 – 25 February; Padua 23 – 24 March; Naples 13 – 14 April; Milan 5 – 6 October and Turin 9 -10 November).

