A person claims 21,570 euros from pro-independence entities for the fall in an act in Lledoners

  • ERC, the ANC and Òmnium Cultural have denied having organized the rally held in front of the Lledoners prison

The legal representatives of ERC, the ANC and Òmnium Cultural have denied this Wednesday in a trial having organized the act held in front of the Lledoners prison (Sant Joan de Vilatorrada) in which a man was seriously injured when he fell down a slope that was not marked and for which He has sued pro-independence entities and parties. This person, Carlos Rubio Galindo, claims 21,570 euros from these entities by considering them civilly liable.

“We gave it support but we did not organize it”, the representatives of ERC, ANC and Òmnium have repeated in different versions in the civil trial held this Wednesday in the Court 57 of First Instance, in which Junts per Catalunya (JxCat) is also sued but to which no one has appeared to represent the formation.

The fall suffered by Carlos R. who is on trial at the hearing dates back to a pro-independence act of protest against the arrest of the politicians of the process, held on November 2, 2018 in front of the Lledoners prison.

As explained in the lawsuit filed by Carlos R, he attended the event that day and, when it was over, when he returned to the car park that had been set up in a field adjacent to Lledoners, he walked away towards some trees to urinate and, turning behind of one of those trees, fell down a slope that he did not see due to lack of lightsince it was 7:00 p.m. on a November day.

Due to the fall, he was hospitalized for 14 days and suffered various injuries and sequelae for which he requests 21,000 euros in compensation from the ANC, Òmnium, ERC and JxCat, whom he considers to be the organizers of the event.

However, the trial has focused on deciding whether it was really the pro-independence entities and parties that organized the event, an extreme that they deny.

a phantom entity

On the poster calling for the event, at the bottom it reads “Organized by: ADIC” (which responds to the acronym of Assembly for the Defense of Catalan Institutions) and just below the logos of the ANC, Òmnium Cultural, ERC, JxCat and PdCat.

However, the alleged organizing entity, ADIC, has not been summoned in the trial or sued because when the court tried to contact it, they realized that it did not appear in any public record nor is there any official trace of it.

Given this, the lawsuit has been directed against the ANC, Òmnium, ERC, JxCat and the PDCat, who have denied that their support for the mobilization was “material organization” but that it was “moral and symbolic”.

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“We were contacted by the organizer, the ADIC, and we gave them support, but we did not organize anything or pay any expenses,” he said. the ERC representative, Jordi Lapiedrasummoned as a witness at the trial.

On behalf of the ANC, Elisenda Paluzie, who was president of the entity at the time of the events, explained to the judge that between 2017 and 2018 ADIC organized numerous events and that they joined the one on November 2 in Lledoners as they had done other times. “I don’t know what the structure of the ADIC was”, commented Paluzie, who has denied that this was a front entity used to call mobilizations and avoid possible responsibilities that would derive from it.
