A Peronist Book Fair?

The thirteenth edition of the Peronist Theme Book Fair It will take place from Friday, November 11 to Sunday, November 13, from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., with free admission. The event, organized by the Institute of Historical Research Eva Perónwill have its headquarters in Evita Museumlocated at Lafinur 2988.

The only book fair dedicated to Peronist themes, which also shows books critical of Justicialist ideology, makes it a curious space for cultural and participatory exchange. The proposal coincides with the 20th anniversary of the space Evita Museumwhich enables its spaces to receive twenty commercial, independent and university publishers, with titles oriented to national political history, civil rights and genres.

Among the publishers that will be present at the event, the following stand out: Editorial Biblos, Ediciones Ciccus, Editorial Chirimbote, Colihue, Ediciones Fabro, Lenguaje Claro Editora, October Editorial, Penguin Random House, Planeta – Percal, Prometeo, Grupo Editorial Sur, Siglo Veintiuno Publishers and Punto de Encuentroamong others .

“Over the years, this fair has become a space for cultural, participatory and diverse exchange,” he explains. Cristina Alvarez Rodriguezad honorem president of the Eva Perón National Historical Research Institute – Evita Museum, and adds: “This year we celebrate 20 years of uninterrupted work by the Institute and we are very happy to once again welcome publishers, writers, and all the people who come to the Museum to learn about the most recent bibliographical production on Peronism as well as proposals in new digital formats”.

To kick off the cultural programming of the Fair, the documentary will be screened on Friday 11 at 2:00 p.m. “Visit of President Perón to Suixtil”one of the most important audiovisual productions of the tours of Juan Domingo Peron to Argentine factories. at 5:00 p.m. Florence Codagnone he will present his Poetry on the move in the exterior courtyard of the Museum.

On Saturday 12, at 5:00 p.m., the literary activities continue: from a verse of Alejandra Pizarnik, the writers Eugenia Pérez Tomas, Hernán Lucas, Roxana Buttazzoni and Ariel BermaniThey will read together. The cinema will be present, at 7:00 p.m., with the screening of the documentary Vassia Photographic Collection. Document destruction”a project that is part of the Activar Patrimonio Scholarship.

  Peronist Theme Book Fair

The closing of Sunday 13 in the external patio will be in charge of the music of Martin Catoira and his guitar. To end the cultural and thematic activities on the national and popular movement, born on October 17, 1945, there will be an exhibition of the advertising short film “Ines’ honeymoon”made by Eva Duarte in 1938.

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