A PCR test at combiner Weber negative

Zhangjiakou (dpa) – With the Nordic combined Terence Weber, the chances of still taking part in the Winter Olympics are increasing.

A PCR test of the 25-year-old, who, like Olympic champion Eric Frenzel, had tested positive for the corona virus when he entered China, gave the hoped-for negative result. The German Ski Association is still waiting for the result of another test, as a spokesman confirmed. If Weber tests negative again, he can start training and is then an option for the competitions on the large hill in the coming week.

Teammate Frenzel has not yet tested negative. Neither athlete nor Norway’s Jarl Magnus Riiber, who is the leader in the overall World Cup, will definitely be taking part in the normal hill competition on February 9th. Manuel Faißt, who had traveled to China in case Frenzel and Weber would be absent for a longer period of time, had already arrived.


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