A number of verkeersdoden are strong at the beginning of the year, 5 times per day with e-step: “Cijfers zien er really not good uit” | Instagram VTM NIEUWS

Het a number of slachtoffers op de Belgian ways is in the first part of the year met 39 percent gestegen ten opzichte van previous year, so blijkt uit de verkeersveiligheidsbarometer van Vias Institute. In a total of 231 mensen kwamen om het leven, bijna evenveel as for the corona crisis. Also het aantal ongevallen with e-steps and electric fietsen neemt toe. “We talk about vijf ongevallen per day met een e-step”, says Stef Willems from verkeersinstituut Vias aan Freek Braeckamn at HLN Live. “De cijfers zien he really never went uit.”

“In the traffic security barometer we know the values ​​of the first points to be made for that year. We doen dit Elke drie maanden. Dit zijn de cijfers vanaf begin dit jaar tot and juli. We raised the cijfers with the dezelfde period last year. We speak here about het aantal doden ter plekke. He zijn natuurlijk also mensen the overlijden in het ziekenhuis. That number is not yet given until the end of the year. The balance between the two is still there when we communicate,” says Stef Willems of the Veiligheidsinstituut Vias bij HLN Live.

“He knew 231 people from het leven (+40 percent). Last year there were 166. Toen were still high in the expectation of the corona pandemic, and 2020 was an atypical year”, says Willems Verder. “Eigenlijk citten we nu geveer op hetzelfde niveau as for the corona pandemic in 2019.”

The number of voters passed from 13 to 35 years, a disconcerting tendency. The stijging can never be declared as such for the purpose of the shipping in Strépy waarbij zes voetgangers/carnavalisten om het leven kwamen. Vias registreert ook een stijging van ongevallen met bromfietsen (+28 per cent), fietsen (+23 per cent) and voetgangers (+20 per cent). The cijfers are really not good.”

In Vlaanderen The number of entries is 99 to 113. That is the number of entries in 2016.

In Wallonia what de stijging nog greater dan in Vlaanderen (111 doden in plaats van 63).

In Brussels Step het dodental from 4 to 7.

In Vlaanderen was de stijging het largest in de province West-Vlaanderen. Since the start of the year, there are 13 on the 31st. In Oost-Vlaanderen there is a route between 18 and 24. Antwerp has a status quo. In Limburg (-4 days) and Vlaams-Brabant (-6 days) the balance was positive compared to the previous year.

Enormous construction of large spaces with e-steps and electric bikes

Are there cort houdt Vias also separate cijfers for electric fietsen en e-steps. “In the first few months of the year there were 2.5 more sea meters with electric steps than in the previous year in the last period”, explained Willems. In Vlaanderen het aantal ongevallen with a e-step from 181 to 388.

“Enerzijds er een betere registratie van het aantal gevallen met e-steps, other zijds geuren he meer gevallen op het terrein. We speak now toch al over 5 times per day with an electrical step. Vanaf 1 July zijn he new rules ingevoerd. We hope that this will have an effect. This means a minimum length of 16 years. Also, he doesn’t like to be talked about more on the pavement and doesn’t like men more than two on one step. By 11 percent of the long valley with an e-step, the commissioners were younger than 16 years.”

The amount of time spent with bikes equals 20 percent of the sea. He paid 4,581 letselongevallen, het hoogste aantal dat we de last 10 jaar noteerden. Het aantal ongevallen with electric fietsen steeg enormous. He spent 1,433 years on the number of orders from 977 years ago, a rise of 47 percent.

Het aantal letselongevallen steeg in the three regions: from 4,433 to 4,954 in Wallonia (+12 percent), from 9,513 to 11,534 in Vlaanderen (+21 percent) from 1,578 to 2,079 in Brussels (+32 percent). Nationaal stands for a number of long-distance vehicles for all types of vehicles used, keep the vrachtwagenongevallen. All of that remains stable.

Cijfers halveren

“The cijfers want to zakken. He zijn doelstellingen op internationaal, national and regional level gesteld dat de cijfers tegen 2030 moeten Halveren. Men heed the referentie year 2019 used. The last year it is structurally correct for the traffic in the country. De cijfers stagneren. That can never be tolerated.”

“Zwakke weggebruikers would like to put me in every possible place. We would really like to have the incette of the coming years. This can also be done by others outside the sea on a secure infrastructure in the tents. Onlangs raised we nog een study to buildings brought over het rijbewijs met points. That can also be a hulpmiddel zijn om hardleerse chauffeurs quickly tot inkeer te brengen. Het is geen wondermiddel, maar wel een hulpmiddel dat ontbreekt in ons land. Vias was allowed to go bankrupt because of that in the past”, Willems decided at HLN Live.
