A nostalgic photo of Janne Kataja’s youth – In Kainalo, the wrestling legend Anita Hirvonen

Janne Kataja and Anita Hirvonen have been friends for years.

Host and actor Janne Kataja, 43, says that he has been exchanging messages with singer Anita Hirvonen for a long time. Inspired by the discussion, Kataja posted a picture from years ago on her Instagram account.

Kataja and a sunny smiling Hirvonen are posing in the shot.

– I was in a happy mood, and today this picture popped up. Oh, those times, the host remembers with heart.

If the image is not visible, you can view it from here.

The photo has aroused a lot of love among people on social media.

– Simply the best, iskelmä singer Marita Taavitsainen commented.

Janne Kataja stars in what will be premiered in February A hay hat, a blanket slipper and a chicken – movie. Kataja is seen in the movie as the second constable of the Isonapa and Rillirousku duo.

Anita Hirvonen, who kept a quiet life from the public eye for a long time, is remembered, among other things, for her hits No crying on Saturday and Princess of the milk stage. The singer previously told Iltalehte that, despite her quiet life, she has not stayed within the four walls of her home – even during the pandemic.

– I’m not stuck here in my own cabin, even though it’s corona. There are weekly contacts and it is extremely important to be able to talk face to face with people sometimes. I am thankful for the friends I have. I can’t complain about my condition in any way. I wish everyone had people like that who care.

Iskelmä singer Anita Hirvonen’s best-known hits include Ei itketa ​​saturdayna and Maitolava’s princess songs. EERO LIESIMAA/IL
