A new study indicates that more than 54% of Spaniards consider leaving their own vehicle

Latest “Study of the Mobility of the Future” It states that vehicle owners in Spain increasingly see the possibility of abandoning the idea of ​​owning their own vehicle. The study was presented at the FITUR Tourism Fair held a few days ago in Madrid.

Compared to the same study from 2020, willingness to rent a vehicle grew to 23.3% Among the reasons why the trend has grown, the main ones are cost and flexibility. There are more and more users who, when doing the math, realize that the expense of having their own vehicle does not compensate the same compared to other options for getting around. Owning their own car for Spaniards is no longer a synonym of status since, according to those surveyed, renting a vehicle and driving it is enough.

Another key point in the study was sustainability. More and more Spaniards are aware of the importance of caring for the environment and, faced with the panorama of a sustainable car industry that has not yet taken off, they prefer to contribute to care by leaving aside the daily use of their vehicles. This trend gives birth to companies that seek to provide a solution to the concerns, not only of Spaniards, but of different people around the world.

One of them is flexways. It is a network of partners with a worldwide presence that seeks to satisfy the demand for vehicle rentals but with an addition. It is the first car rental company that is 100% carbon neutral. Flexways, through its environmental care policy, it offsets 100% of the C02 emissions from its rentals with sustainability projects.

In this way, those who seek to produce the least possible impact have two solutions in one. They rent a vehicle reducing costs and, on the other hand, they contribute to caring for the environment.

In addition, being a network of rental companies with a worldwide presence, not only can this be done in the city where one lives, but also when you choose to know a destination for vacations in different parts of the world such as Miami either Bariloche.

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