A new music application saves the driver’s fuel – And before that, it might annoy the hell out of you

A music application developed in Sweden promises to save fuel and improve safety.

St1 is a Finnish energy company. JOEL MAISALMI

Engineers from the Swedish office of the energy company St1 developed an application that claims to save fuel and make traffic safer.

St1’s Sound Driving – application, the tempo of the music speeds up significantly when the driver breaks the speed limit and warns the driver that the speed should be reduced. Music playing at too high a speed is supposed to annoy the driver so much that he notices his speeding.

Below you can see a video of how the application works in practice.

If you don’t see the embed, you can watch it from here.

– Driving fast increases fuel consumption. In Sweden, drivers could save a total of more than 250 million euros by lightening the gas pedal, St1 tells on its pages.

Available in Sweden

Behavioral scientist and psychologist Björn Hedensjön according to the app’s operating principle is the same as when a car beeps to remind you, for example, of an unfastened seat belt.

– The purpose is to change people’s actions with creative means, Hedensjö states in the press release.

The application is currently only available in Sweden. There are no plans for a similar application for the Finnish market.

– However, we follow with great enthusiasm and interest what kind of reception the application receives in Sweden, St1 Oy’s marketing manager Tiina Luukkonen tells.

Limited playlist

The operation of the application is based on GPS positioning data and the speed measured with it. Driving fast also speeds up the music, which is not very pleasant to listen to.

According to information obtained by Iltalehti, for example, Deep Purple Speed ​​King or Judas Priest Turbo Lover you can’t listen through the application, but the application’s operation is limited to its own playlist.

– The songs on the song list are not well-known, so these songs cannot be found on the list, says Luukkonen.

You can listen to the app’s playlist from here.
