A new ‘hub’ of 11 Catalan industries is born to innovate

A group of 11 Catalan industries have decided to join efforts to create a ‘hub‘ intended to promote the innovation. Is about Avinent, ARaymond, Celsa Group, comexi, Fluidra, Font Pacakging Group, Frit Ravich, Gribau Group, Carinsa Group, Pastisart and Simón that will promote collaboration also with ‘start-ups‘ Y start-ups to increase competitiveness through collaborative innovation.

Indpulsthe brand with which the initiative has been baptized, constitutes a new space for collaborative innovation between start-ups and companies with the aim of creating value and making the industrial sector “a key asset for generating wealth and new opportunities “, according to sources of the initiative.

Mercè GirbauCEO of the Girbau Group and president of Indplus, points out that the companies that make up the project believe “that only collaborating and innovatingwith generosity, we will face the challenges of today and tomorrow”. The objective of the initiative is “to promote the competitiveness of companies creating corporate value from innovation and giving support to emerging companies and ‘start-ups’ so that they can develop their activities in the industrial innovation sector”.

Indpuls articulates its activity through two areas of action: the sustainability, which includes circularity, energy, health, wellness and nutrition; Y digital transformationwhich deals with the digitization and optimization of assets.

According to Eloi PlansCEO of Fluidra and vice president of Indplus, this initiative “represents the materialization of a will and a commitment to promote the construction of a joint future in which innovation, digitization and the sustainability of the industrial fabric play an essential role” .

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Indplus begins its activity with a program of co-innovation on cross-cutting challenges, meetings to share innovation issues, a support program for start-ups with technologies related to the challenges posed and another aimed at detecting start-ups and innovative technologies that can be the basis for new products, services and business models for Indplus companies.

Xavier Marcet, president of Lead to Change and strategic partner of Indpuls, highlights “the generosity and humility” of the companies participating in the project, which have a long industrial history and have decided to “collaborate to innovate”
