A narrow majority votes in favor of appointing new councilor Hans Kuipers in Tynaarlo

Former deputy Hans Kuipers (GroenLinks) has been elected as alderman of the municipality of Tynaarlo with a narrow majority. He replaces Miguel Ririhena, who unexpectedly resigned earlier this month after a conflict with his faction.

Of the 22 council members present, 12 voted in favor and 9 against the appointment of Kuipers (36), an experienced politician from Meppel. One blank vote was cast.

That voting ratio is striking. Normally, the appointment of a councilor is practically a formality. The candidate councilor is nominated by a coalition party.


In Kuipers’ case, the city council also had to decide whether to grant him an exemption from residency. Councilors must live in the municipality where they exercise their duties. Because Kuipers – who lives in Meppel – takes over as alderman halfway through his term of office, the council gives him permission to live outside the municipality. This permission can be extended after one year.
