A moving sight awaited Thiago in the studio

Sofia arranged a giant surprise for her husband Thiago to relieve homesickness. Thiago had been separated from his parents for more than three years.

Thiago’s day was crowned with a big surprise. Atte Mäläskä

In the SuomiLOVE section on Saturday night Sofia surprised her brazilian husband Thiagonwho has suffered from severe homesickness. Sofia said Thiago has not seen her family for more than three years due to the world situation. Thiago’s parents have never seen the youngest child of the couple face to face, nor the growth of two older children.

The carefully prepared surprise was able to alleviate Thiago’s longing. First, Thiago was picked up at the studio, where celebrity chef Kape Aihinen cooked Brazilian food. Thiago’s Brazilian friends surprised him with a video greeting. Greetings already sensitized Thiago to tears. After the video, other Thiago friends arrived at the studio.

Futia star Joona Toivio and narrator also surprised Thiago, who loves football Tuomas Virkkunen. A table football match was in the offing.

Many friends attended Thiago’s evening. Atte Mäläskä

Thiago won the table football match. Atte Mäläskä

When Aihinen transported Thiago to SuomiLOVE, Thiago began to understand what the surprise was all about. In the studio, Thiago was met by singer Kasmir. Friends of Sofia and Thiago soon arrived.

The giant surprise was yet to come: Thiago’s parents had also arrived in the studio, all the way from Brazil. Thiago burst into tears and abducted his parents into a tight hug. At this point, hardly anyone in the audience was left with dry eyes.

Kasmir presented the man with something relevant Lightsong. Samba dancers also rose on stage.

Thiago’s parents were there. Niki Suokkio

Touching reunion. Atte Mäläskä

Love at first sight

Sofia and Thiago met online in 2009 through mutual friends. A few months later, Sofia headed to Rio to meet with Thiago. It was love at first sight.

Soon Thiago got a job in Finland, and the couple was dancing at their wedding. In addition to her work, Thiago went to school again in Finland to study sociology and got a job in the field.

Sofia described her husband as a lovely, happy and fair person who is interested in people and their well-being.

Thiago is also loved. It is clear.

Kasmir was in charge of Thiago’s surprise music. The singer also hugged Thiago and the family at the end of the performance. Niki Suokkio
