A mother arrested in Terrassa for beating her son and cutting a policeman

a boy from 12 years He called this Sunday morning at 112, around 02:00, to ask for help. His mother, as she recounted in that call to Emergències, had drunk and I was assaulting. The notice of the minor has been added to others that have been made almost simultaneously by neighbors of this family from Terrassa, concerned about the noise and the screams that came from the house where the mother and son were.

A patrol of Mossos d’Esquadra has come to the aid of the minor, has rung the doorbell of the home, located on the Martorell road in the municipality of Terrassa. It was the boy himself who opened the door and, realizing that it was the police, he ran to take refuge behind the agents. According to police sources, seconds later the mother has reached the door, holding a broken glass glass by handand has attacked the agentswhich have proceeded to reduce it.

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It was at the end of the struggle that one of the policemen realized that the woman had cut him with the broken glass on the forearm. Presents a open wound about 11 centimeters. After repeatedly requesting an ambulance from the Medical Emergency System (SEM) who has not arrived, according to the same police sources, the agent has been transferred by a colleague to the hospital.

The mother has been arrested for a crime of injury and assault on authority. The investigation by the Mossos d’Esquadra must also verify whether, as the minor had explained during her call, the woman must also answer for child abuse. The child has spent the night at a relative’s house.
