A modern shoemaker also has drinks in the house | 1Limburg

The Netherlands still has about five hundred shoemakers. Frits Pellemans in Roermond is one of them, but possibly the best in the country. Pellemans, together with two competitors, is a finalist in the battle for the title Shoemaker of the Year.

“I took over the business from my father years ago and tried to turn it into a modern shoemaker’s shop,” says Pellemans.

get a drink
And according to the shoemaker, in addition to the obvious quality, it is also about the experience for the customer. “You can order blank shoes from us and give them a color or design according to your wishes. And when the customer is busy choosing a color, he can also get a drink. That is part of it these days.”

More than shoes
Pellemans’ business in the center of Roermond is not immediately recognizable as a shoemaker when you enter. “That is exactly the intention. We hope that people will also come into the store because it is a beautiful store. We have bags, belts, socks and of course everything for your shoes.”

50 million shoes
We throw away about 50 million shoes in the Netherlands every year, because they are often too cheap to repair. Nevertheless, Pellemans sees sufficient future for the shoemaker. “Young people also buy more expensive brands and sneakers, for example. And if they get dirty at a festival, they can clean them with us and they are like new again. Then we use a steam device.”

Another development from which the shoemaker can still earn good money is the growth of electronic keys. “Especially car keys. The battery is empty, but there can be a lot more going on with it. You have to go along with that and that goes very well.”

The Roermond shoemaker also hopes to benefit from the growing awareness that the disposable economy is not good for the environment. “It is more sustainable to spend a little more on new shoes. Then it is worth having them repaired and they last longer.”

On April 24, the trade association will announce the Shoemaker of the Year. Pellemans has competition from shoemakers from Alkmaar and Deventer.
