A minor was reported after crashing a car into a bridge fence and fleeing on foot

The Mossos d’Esquadra They have criminally denounced a minor boy for driving without a license and for disobeying the officers in Bellpuig (Urgell), as reported this Saturday, October 14, by the newspaper ‘Segre’ and confirmed by the ACN.

The events occurred around one in the morning on Friday when a vehicle skipped a checkpoint on the highway LV-3343 in direction to Castellnou de Seana (Pla d’Urgell) until he lost control and crashed into the fence of a bridge that passes over the train track.

The five occupants of the vehicle got out on their own and fled across the field. During the early morning, the agents arrested those involved, aged 16 and 17, residents of Tarrega and Bellpuig.

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Once at the police station, the agents criminally reported the driver for a crime of disobedience and driving a vehicle without license.

Also participating in the device were Generalitat Bombers and the Medical Emergency System (SEM).
