A man is stabbed in the back in Alcalá de Henares

05/15/2022 at 01:11


A 38-year-old man was wounded in the back with a knife in the Madrid town of Alcalá de Henares and has been transferred with a reserved prognosis to the La Princesa hospital in Madrid, reported to Efe Emergency 112 of the Community of Madrid.

The attack occurred on Saturday night on Camino del Juncal street, and the wound was about two or three centimeters deep in the kidney area.

A Mobile ICU from SUMMA 112 went to the scene, and found that the wounded man had a large hemorrhage in the kidney areaso it had to be stabilized and transferred with guarded prognosis to the Madrid hospital.

The National Police handles investigationsadded a statement from Emergencies 112 of the Community.
