A lower energy bill for tenants in Zoetermeer: ​​these are the plans

When the energy bill comes, many Zoetermeer residents will have to swallow because of the high amounts. Especially for people who rent a poorly insulated home. That is partly changing. From 2030, landlords are no longer allowed to rent out homes with a low energy label (E, F or G). What does that mean to you?

The new rules were introduced last Wednesday announced by Minister Hugo de Jonge. The measures are intended to ensure that tenants in Zoetermeer receive a lower energy bill. In short, it means that from 2028 housing associations are no longer allowed to rent out homes with an energy label E, F or G. This applies to private landlords from 2030.

If you rent a house with listed status in Zoetermeer, nothing will change for you. These homes do not have to have an energy label

Higher heating costs

Zoetermeer residents who now rent a home with a low energy label pay higher energy costs. According to Environment Central the bill is on average 600 euros higher per year than with a well-insulated home. Not sure what energy label your rental home has? Then you can request it via www.zoekuwenergielabel.nl† An estimate is made here of the energy label based on data such as housing type, surface area and year of construction.

This is how the Zoetermeer houses are made more sustainable

If you live in a house with an E, F or G energy label, there is a good chance that the landlord will start working on your house in the coming years. Think of installing double glazing or installing a hybrid heat pump.

You can do this yourself for a lower energy bill

Do you want to get started for a lower energy bill? Real sustainability is difficult as a tenant, but there are tricks that will reduce your energy bill slightly. Think, for example, of draft excluders, which you can buy for a few euros at a DIY store in Zoetermeer.

Help with high energy bills

The municipality of Zoetermeer is trying to help Zoetermeer residents with a small wallet in a different way with a high energy bill: through the energy surcharge. This year they will receive a contribution of 820 euros. Read here how this works.

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