‘A lot of juice during summary proceedings!’

Samantha Steenwijk gets herself a lot on the neck with her ‘childish’ summary proceedings against Yvonne Coldeweijer. There is a lot more juice in the pleading note, the juice queen laughs.


Because of a gossip about the use of illegal diet pills, Samantha Steenwijk takes a high step to court. Although Yvonne has long since rectified the message, Samantha still makes a whole circus of it: she wants a different kind of rectification and 5,000 euros. Friend and foe agree: she just has very long toes.

Juicy summary proceedings

Although Yvonne initially thought it was a shame that a B-star of all people is responsible for her first summary proceedings, she is now starting to feel like it. The showbiz hyena has seen the work of her lawyers and finds it to be a joke. Juice is coming on Friday, she announces.

Yvonne on her juice channel: “This Friday at 10.30 am will be the summary proceedings that Beyoncé Steenwijk has brought against me. I will also be there. I just read for the first time the plea paper that my lawyers have been working on and I’m blown away because it just has JUICE in it. ? Hilarious.”


Such summary proceedings may cost a bit, but Yvonne also scores a lot of publicity with it at the same time. Plus, she can now devote an entire video to the case. “This is going to be a Yv-style lawsuit hahaha. After Friday I will discuss this in a video and tell you how it went.”

Incidentally, Yvonne is now supported by Gossip Talk, which now also claims that Samantha has used illegal diet pills. Presenter Jan Roos believes, just like Yvonne and Jeroen van der Boom, nothing of Samantha’s explanation for her sudden weight loss of 22 kilos. She herself says that this is due to horse riding.


Jan supports Yvonne. “If you attack our Yv you also attack us. Because we have established a kind of NATO with La Coldeweijer. An attack on one is an attack on all of us. And if you think you’re going to lose weight from horseback riding, you’re out of luck. So we think Yvonne is right. And if not then anyway. Because a lawsuit for something so stupid is very sad”, he writes

Yvonne: “Hahaha, so sweet. The gossip NATO.”

super sad

Meanwhile, Samantha’s own is also flowing Instagram page full of criticism. “Sorry Samantha, I thought you were a top woman until a few months ago. Not only lost weight, also the fun. Learn to collect, you also share your gal about others behind the gossip desk. Says a lot about you, really very sad”, says Wil, for example.

And Brenda: “Haha so stupid to file a lawsuit. Everyone had forgotten about it for a long time, now what? Samantha Diet Pill ? I’m sure it wouldn’t have become a thing if you hadn’t paid attention to it.”
