A little extra love: Beverwijk school surprises graduates with emotional videos

Nervous walking around the room, crying spells and shaky knees. No unknown phenomena for graduating students. After having been in suspense for three weeks, they are finally told today whether or not they can hang their bags out the window, or whether a re-exam can still do wonders.

At Castor College in Beverwijk, a number of graduates are surprised in a special way. “Some students have had a tough year and we give them a little extra love,” says teacher Jaap Maks.

In brightly colored heart suits, with a large horn and a video car with a congratulations from a loved one, the teacher drove through the IJmond with colleague Alexandra to congratulate exam candidates on their diploma.


One of them is Damian Ibrisimovic. While others were already cold (children’s) champagne, it was exciting for Damian until the last moment with his somewhat meager figures. “I got a four for chemistry, biology also an unsatisfactory, and the rest around 5.5. So I still had a lot of work to do.”

By studying hard, following exam training and ignoring all distractions, he managed to boost his grades to such an extent that the video car also appeared at his home with a congratulations from his grandfather. A huge surprise, because the past few years have not been easy for Damian.

Hard time

“First we were told that my mother had breast cancer, and later my grandfather was diagnosed with cancer. Fortunately, my mother is doing well now, but my grandfather is now in the final phase. It is really going downhill now, and that helps of course not with me to concentrate.”

A tough time for him. “The bond between me and my grandfather is very good. I go to him a few times a week. From an early age I often sleep there, we always play cards and we walk together. Walking alone is no longer possible.”

He had a strict schedule to make it to school and visit his grandfather as often as possible. “Learning from early in the morning until late at night, avoiding distractions, and if I had a cavity, I would go to my grandfather. Of course we don’t know how long it will be before he dies, so I want to see him as often as possible to see.”


His method helped, and Damian is still confused. A great relief for both him and his mother. “We were nervous every year. During the corona period he almost had to stay put. He already had no motivation, I had just been ill, we had just moved and were in the middle of a renovation. A stressful time, in which we also had to heard that his grandfather was ill. I wondered if he would pass next year, and if not, he would have to leave school,” says his mother.

In the end it seemed that Damian would go from vwo 5 to havo 5, because with 10 shortfall points there seemed to be no salvation anymore. But miraculously, he managed to collect his grades at the last minute, so that he could enter his senior year.


And with success, because the vwo diploma has now been received. “Secretly, I always had a bit of confidence. I know what I’m capable of, and if I work hard, it should work,” says Damian. “I’m going to do Aviation for a year now, and during that year I’ll start the selection procedure for pilot training. I’m curious what awaits me.”
