A large group of youths fought in the Helsinki Cup

Helsinki Police is investigating the case.

A video of a mass fight is circulating on Twitter, which was filmed from the upper galleries of the Töölö football stadium. It shows how the situation escalates into violence in the corridor between the stadium and pitch 6 of the Töölö ball field. The young people kick and hit each other and at the same time head off running away from the place.

The Helsinki Police confirms that they received the task for the incident on Friday. General manager Ben Grundstrom says there were 50-100 young people there.

– The police have then separated these groups from each other.

According to Grundström, no arrests were made at the scene, but the case is proceeding to preliminary investigation. The goal of the police is to get a clearer understanding of the events after acquiring more material.

Criminal charges were still under consideration this morning.

The video was shared on Twitter by a former professional hockey player Jussi Pesonen with the accompanying words “calm Hesa ​​Cup”.

CEO of Helsinki Cup Kirsi Kavanne tells Iltalehte that he is aware of the video, but that he has no information about whether the fight is somehow related to the teams or players of the ongoing tournament.

The Helsinki Cup will be held this year for the 48th time.

Töölön Ballonkenttä will be one of the stages of the Helsinki Cup this year as well. ATTE KAJOVA
