A judicial power mired in discouragement criticizes the irresponsibility of PSOE and PP for returning to the blockade

Surprise and disappointment, this is how the members of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) and judges and magistrates the news that late this Thursday confirmed a suspension of the negotiations to renew the governing body of the judges between the PSOE and the PP, which those of Núñez Feijóo justify in the interest of the government to reform the sedition crime. Sources from the judiciary consulted by El PERIÓDICO DE ESPAÑA speak of the irresponsibility of politicians and warn that the Constitution must be complied with.

The substitute president of the CGPJ after the resignation of Carlos Lesmes, Rafael Mozo, has acknowledged in an interview on Cadena Ser that they hoped that the deal was announced tomorrowand has lamented that this backtracking at the last minute exacerbates the institutional crisis.

“I have received the information with great surprise. My concern has sharpened. The agreement was expected to be finalized tomorrow when we encountered this problem. The institutional crisis is deep, above all there is the institution, which affects fundamental organs. It is a very serious situation that damages the functioning of Justice. They must resume the talks and I must say firmly that this exacerbates the crisis in the functioning of Justice,” Mozo explained on Cadena SER.

“I’m upset, we really see that this situation harms Justice and the normal functioning of it”, he stated, to stress that “above all else is compliance with the Constitution and that the law is complied with. Institutions must be increasingly entrenched and work. We have limited our skills and it is not normal for us to be here like this.”

There was already a full farewell

“At the plenary we have agreed one day to resolve the issues that remain to be resolved“, he pointed out. Sources consulted by this newspaper have indicated that two precise days had even been set for this last plenary session, on November 10 or 14, which shows how imminent they saw the agreement.

From the progressive sector of the organ there is talk of “lack of responsibility and abandonment of the judiciary, since in the end it is not just the CGPJ, but the judicial bodies,” they point out, stressing that “the Supreme Court is about to collapse and there are also a lot of government positions in office.”

“It seems that in the end justice matters little to some, or matters only to control it,” they add. The same sources add, alluding to the PP, that “being in the opposition easy to find points of disagreement with the government”.

Designations in the TC

From the conservative part it is pointed out that this “new stage” places them in a position of “enormous responsibility”, because “it is not time to make a hot decision”. These sources refer to the negotiations to elect the two magistrates for the Constitutional Court that they must appoint by quota. On this note, Mozo He says he does not know if they will resume shortly, and he cannot say at this time if they are considering a block resignation after the latest snub from politicians.”I do not think it is a solution that has to be taken tomorrow,” he said.

As far as associations are concerned, the only one to speak out tonight was the second in number of affiliates, Francisco de Vitoriawhose spokesman, Jorge Fernández Vaquero, believes that “this suspension of negotiations it is still a poorly developed process” that it should have been done “from parliament in a transparent manner & rdquor; and “here what we have seen is that from the Government he made a secret negotiation with the PP & rdquor ;.

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In the opinion of this association, “a renewal without more does not fix anything& rdquor ;, if it does not try to adjust to European standards with the election of the members of judicial extraction by the judges themselves. “The PP and the PSOE are working on an electoral key and it is impossible to fix anything with these criteria & rdquor ;, he adds.

It so happens that this Wednesday numerous magistrates and prosecutors of the Supreme Court, as well as members of the CGPJ, approached the Auditorium of the Complutense University, on the occasion of the incorporation of Manuel Marchena to the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain. Despite the fact that the renewal was barely discussed, there was no shortage of people who remembered how the previous negotiation was frustrated at the last moment when practically everything was doneas has happened now.
