A judge sentences the former mayor of Sabadell Maties Serracant for disobedience on 1-O

A court has sentenced the former mayor of Sabadell Maties Serracant to four months of special disqualification and 1,800 euro fine for his actions in relation to the holding of the 1-O referendum in the municipality, when he was mayor.

In the sentence, the judge ruled that Serracant was the author “criminally responsible for a crime of serious disobedience” and disqualifies him from holding any public or elected office, in addition to a daily fine of 30 euros for two months, equivalent to 1,800 euros.

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Last April, Serracant confirmed before the judge that as mayor he could not do anything to prevent the celebration of 1-O in Sabadell. The Prosecutor’s request was for two years of disqualification and fine of 15,000 euros.

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