A judge admits the complaint for the covid contracts of the Madrid City Council and will charge the commission agents


Act at 11:49


The chief magistrate of Court of Instruction No. 47 of Madrid has admitted for processing the complaint of the Anticorruption Prosecutor against the businessmen Luis Medina and Alberto Luceno for the alleged ‘pitch’ of almost six million euros in contracts for medical supplies from the Madrid City Council at the beginning of the pandemic. He will call them to declare as investigated in the near future, legal sources have reported.

The Public Ministry attributes to them the alleged commission of the crimes of aggravated fraud, false documents and money laundering due to irregularities in a sale-purchase operation of sanitary material destined for the Madrid municipal funeral home. The proceedings are not secret and the magistrate has offered shares to the Madrid City Council to appear in the procedure.

The prices, according to the Prosecutor’s Office in its complaint, were set by Luceño and imposed on the Madrid City Council, taking refuge in its false position of manufacturer and exclusive agent of the selling company. In doing so, he concealed that a high percentage of the offered price (approximately 60% in the case of masks, 81% in the case of gloves and almost 71% in the case of tests) corresponded to commissions that the defendants were going to receive.

In the case of Luis Medina, according to Anticorruption, he was the person who initially contacted the Madrid City Council “taking advantage of his status as well-known character in public life and his friendship with a relative of the mayor from Madrid”, his cousin Carlos Martínez-Almeida Morales.
