A hundred people ask in BCN for Hasél’s freedom on the first anniversary of his imprisonment

  • There have been demonstrations in favor of the rapper in other parts of Catalonia and Spain

More than a hundred people have demonstrated this Saturday night in Barcelona to demand the freedom of rapper Pablo Hasél, on the first anniversary of his imprisonment in the Ponent prison. The mobilization began at 7:00 p.m. in the Jardinets Salvador Espriu de Gràcia, and went down Passeig de Gràcia. The demonstrators have turned shortly before 8:00 p.m. down Consell de Cent street. The Mossos have identified a dozen protesters before starting the mobilization. Proclamations in favor of the release of those imprisoned and “reprisals” have been heard at the march, reports ACN.

Several CDRs had called for decentralized mobilization, since there have also been demonstrations in Girona, Tarragona and Lleida, under the slogan ‘Tombem les lleis repressives’. “Faced with their repression, we organize the response,” was one of the proclamations. Also in Madrid and other parts of Spain there have been protests.

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This Saturday’s mobilization is part of the first anniversary of Hasél’s imprisonment, and is added to other actions of the week. On Wednesday, a hundred people have already protested in front of the Rectorate of the University of Lleida (UdL), forming a human chain.

The act also served to present the Ponent Anti-Repressive Platform, which wants to coordinate the nearly one hundred cases of “retaliation” people from the entire Lleida district as a result of protests after the ‘procés’ sentence, for the imprisonment of Hasel or the cut of La Jonquera, among others.
