A huge disappointment! The Swedish puck star was discus

Simon Pettersson will not be seen in the discus WC final.

Simon Pettersson will not be seen in the World Cup final. EPA / AOP

Olympic silver medalist in discus Simon Pettersson will not be seen on Monday in the final of the World Cup.

The Swede threw his best 63.93 in Saturday’s qualifying, which was enough for a place in the final. However, Pettersson was discus afterwards when the throw turned out to be overstepped.

Aftonbladet asked for comments on the decision on the Swedish national athletics team.

– Sweden has not received information about any protest. Union leader Kajsa Bergqvist is now investigating the matter, the union’s press manager Mathias Karlsson told for Aftonbladet.

It is the first time that Pettersson is out of the finals of the competition. New Zealand will take his place in the final Connor Bell.

The Swedes still have a good chance of success in the discus final, because our western neighbor was responsible for the longest arc of the qualification Daniel Ståhl.

The video goes through the conditions of the World Cup.
