A horror movie about ghosts starring Nicole Kidman

The Others movie received a positive reception from critics.

The children of the family in The Others are allergic to light. PDO

Tonight on the Kutonen channel we will see a Spaniard Alejandro Amenábari directed horror film The Others.

Australian actress Nicole Kidman stars in the main role.

Like many other horror films, The Others is also about ghosts – but not in the most traditional way.

The year is 1945. Widowed Grace lives on the island of Jersey in a big mansion with her two children. The husband has gone to war but has not returned.

The children are allergic to light, which is why the curtains in the mansion are always closed. Only candles and oil lamps illuminate the family’s everyday life.

Grace, played by Kidman, is not doing well. He suffers from migraines and hears voices. Also children (Alakina Mann and James Bentley) are of the opinion that the house is haunted.

Children talk about ghosts “otherwise”.

Fearing evil forces, the family takes refuge in reading the Bible.

The scary and strange events of the manor are followed from Grace’s point of view. What makes Nurinkurinen’s film is that it fears light instead of darkness.

The Others excites the viewer with its lack of gestures and darkness. As is usual for horror films, in this film too the horror is experienced through children.

At the end of the film, the viewer discovers a surprise twist that changes everything seen before.

Amenábar scripted the film in his native Spanish, but ultimately decided to make it in English. He has also composed the film’s music himself, which is skillfully used to create the atmosphere.

The Others premiered in August 2001. When it came out, it was well received by critics.

The Others today on Kutonen channel at 21:00

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