A group of activists occupies the headquarters of Barcelona en Comú for an hour to claim the Antiga Massana

  • About thirty people have broken into the premises to demand the transfer of management to the city council and have withdrawn after agreeing to a meeting tomorrow

Some thirty people have occupied this Wednesday afternoon the campus of Barcelona in Comú to vindicate the Barcelona City Council the transfer of the Old Massana to the groups that manage the space. The action, which ended an hour later after agreeing a meeting with the council tomorrow, joins other actions promoted in recent months to put pressure on the council.

For more than two years several groups have used the municipally owned building to social uses. According to him Raval Habitatges UnionSome 80 people from different groups have entered the headquarters. Joana Sales, spokesperson for the union, explained to ACN that they will not leave until they have a signed document stating the commitment to grant the space.

reference space

Sales added that the Antiga Massana is a space that is becoming a “reference” in the neighborhood and there are several entities, such as the SHR, the Xarxa d’Aliments or a labor network that carry out activities and help families. “We cannot live like this, thinking that tomorrow they can evict us.”

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The groups have been demanding the councilor of Ciutat Vella for a long time, Jordi Rabassa (BComu), that it fulfills the commitment and the concession of the building is made. The neighborhood entities believe that they have been making excuses for months and fear that the promise will remain in a drawer if the situation is not resolved before the municipal elections.

Sources from the consistory have replied that the district is meeting with the affected groups to agree on the terms of the assignment of the space and they have another meeting scheduled next week. “We have met almost every 15 days and we are working on it,” they have stated.
