A great honor in Sweden for the Finnish star who is playing an amazing season

Antti Suomela received recognition from his teammates.

Antti Suomela represented Finland in the fall Karelian tournament. The striker, who is playing his peak season, is a strong candidate for the Lions’ World Cup team. Roni Lehti

Winner of the Swedish SHL goal and point exchange Antti Suomela has been awarded the Golden Helmet of the league’s best player.

– This means an awful lot to me. Just the fact that the league’s players vote on this means that the award is highly regarded. It is a great honor to receive the Golden Helmet, the Oskarshamn striker said Aftonbladet by.

Suomelana Runkosarija was one league, as he scored 37 goals and provided 29 assists in 51 matches. Only three players in the history of the Swedish league have reached a higher number of goals.

The 28-year-old forward praises his teammates for his flight From Patrik Karlkvist and Ahti from Oksawith whom he describes playing as a privilege.

– We think about hockey the same way and it makes everything easier and better on the ice. There are many with whom I share this award. My chain friends, my team and my organization. I am really proud that this was aimed at me, Suomela thanks.

Oskarshamn, which finished seventh in the regular season, is currently playing in the playoffs, where it faces Luulaja (7th) in the quarterfinals. Suomela scored 1+2 points in the opening match played on Saturday, but Luulaja won the match 5–4.
