A French AI victorious at bridge against eight world champions

For the first time in human history, an artificial intelligence beat several world bridge champions. This AI developed by the French start-up NukkAI, achieved a real tour de force. For Cédric Villani, it is even a “historic feat”.

The game of bridge is the most complex card game

The game of bridge is considered the most complex card game in the world because it requires making decisions based on incomplete information and the behavior of other players. Both tactical and collective, this game is (at least on paper) very difficult to practice for an artificial intelligence. However, the system developed by NukkAI succeeded a few days ago, to beat the greatest champions of the disciplineon the occasion of the first NukkaiChallenge to which Cédric Villani was invited.

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On its website, the French startup explains that “Bridge is the game that most resembles real life because the information is partial, there are partners and adversaries, and the rules impose explainability. This is the ideal test for the artificial intelligences we design at NukkAI”. It’s a new step for AI. Proof that despite the complexity of the game and its inherent uncertainties, artificial intelligence can still perform.

NukkAI’s work is very promising

For the mathematician and deputy of Essone, Cédric Villani, this demonstration is a real “historic feat”. He specifies on LinkedIn that beyond the feat, “These are fascinating insights into the understanding of probabilistic reasoning, with hidden information and explainability of algorithms. A welcome revival of the interface between game, science and digital. A superb French success ». An AI victory over humans, reminiscent of the game of Go and the confession of Lee Se-dol who said in 2019 that he could no longer compete with DeepMind’s AI.

NukkAI is a promising young French shoot. Founded in 2018 by Véronique Ventos, researcher in artificial intelligence, and Jean-Baptiste Fantun, agrégé in mathematics and winner of the Coupe de France bridge in 2017, this startup focuses its research on “artificial intelligence intended to collaborate with humans”. According to Marko Erman, Scientific Director at Thales, “NukkAI’s approach is very interesting and the recent results obtained are very promising”.
