A firecracker ban would not solve the problem

In Neukölln, a police vehicle was shot at with a ball bomb on New Year's Eve

In Neukölln, a police vehicle was shot at with a ball bomb on New Year’s Eve Photo: Private/Wolf Lux

By Stephen Peter

The debate about a possible ban on firecrackers was to be expected and is certainly necessary. A comment from BZ editor Stefan Peter.

But she alone will not begin to solve the problems of New Year’s Eve. Police officers, firefighters and paramedics were not only attacked with firecrackers – but also with iron bars, stones and pistols! Even burning barricades have little to do with our New Year’s Eve traditions.

The BZ once again documents the events of a terrible night that the capital has never experienced before. And it could have ended even worse!

Just look at the photo from the High Deck development: A bus burned under an overpass – above it a residential building, the facade up to the top apartment now blackened with soot.

Politicians are shocked by the violence and the injured. But the police get little support from the left-green side.


Berlin fire brigade Berlin police Böller rampage New Year’s Eve
