A fire in Montornès del Vallès affects the circulation of lines R2, R8 and R11

  • The fire originated in an area of ​​vegetation located near the train tracks around half past six in the afternoon

A fire detected in the town of Montornès del Vallèsin the province of Barcelona, ​​has forced stop the circulation of several train lines between Montmeló and Granollers Center this Monday afternoon. The events occurred around half past six in the afternoon. As pointed out by Civil Protection, the fire would have originated in an area of ​​vegetation located very close to the train tracks. Several users of the service, for their part, have alerted through social networks that the incident has taken place in an industrial zone dedicated to the production of chemical products, very close to a butane plant.

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Both Adif and Renfe have reported this incident and its impact on the R2 train lines (Sant Vicenç de Calders-Maçanet Massanes), R8 (Martorell – Granollers) and R11 (Barcelona-Portbou). For almost an hour, the fire has forced the authorities to activate the pre-alert status of the ‘Ferrocat’ plan on railway emergencies. In it section closest to the place of fire also had to temporarily disable the electrical circuit of the railway facilities as well as the ventilation system with the outside of the trains as a precaution (a common protocol in this type of case).

Four fire brigades have moved to the scene. One hour after the notice for this fire, and after the fire was controlled, Renfe confirms that the circulation of trains is gradually being restored. Procicat, for its part, has also deactivated the pre-alert protocol for this fire. At half past seven in the afternoon Adif has affirmed that the incident is considered resolved.
