A fire forces the evacuation of the Renfe Sabadell Center station

Civil Protection of the Generalitat has activated this afternoon the Civil Protection Plan of Catalonia (PROCICAT) due to an emergency smoke alert at Renfe’s Sabadell Center station, as reported by Renfe. The circulation stopped both ways between the stations Sabadell South and Terrassa East (R4).

The evacuation, as assured by the body of firefighters of Catalonia, has been a preventive measure by presence of smoke, not by fire in the facilities. And the Medical Emergency Service (SEM) has confirmed that there is no injured person.

So, after an hour, at 9:55 p.m. the source of the smoke has been located already alert Ferrocat has been placed on Prealert. The smoke came from an overheating of the brakes of a wagon and they are working on extracting the smoke.

Stops in Terrassa

There have been users on social networks who have complained about the little information at the time of the interruption: “37 minutes have passed and they still haven’t told us anything over the PA system or @rodalies,” said Klara, a Twitter user.

As explained to EL PERIÓDICO, Klara was traveling on a train on line r12 towards Lleida, who has stopped in Terrassa for more than an hour. Up to 45 minutes after it stopped, she received no notification of what was happening. “Since we were passing through the Manresa station they were already making stops… which means that they have been delaying the time of arrival in Sabadell”, she lamented.

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public address has announced a change of trains, since Karla’s was not the only one that was stopped. And, an hour later, traffic has been reprimanded without making a stop at Sabadell Centre.


From the rail network have recommended using other means of transportation alternatives to the train, such as Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya or bus, to go to Barcelona.
