A fire activates the chemical alert in Montornès del Vallès

The fire in an industrial warehouse in Montornès del Vallès (Barcelona) has forced to activate the chemical emergency plan of Catalonia (PLASEQCAT), according to a note from Civil Protection on Twitter.

The firefighters of the Generalitat are working to put out a firewhich burns drums containing flammable liquid outside an industrial warehouse in the town, according to a statement from the body.

The notice was given shortly before 7:00 p.m. and the Firefighters they have deployed 18 crews to work on the incident, and the work is focused on preventing the fire from spreading to neighboring ships and in contain flammable liquid with foam.

Civil Protection has warned on his Twitter of the pdanger involved in fire: “Although the official confinement of the population has not been decreed, if you live in nearby areas and the smoke from the fire bothers you, stay home and close the doors and windows. Stop the air conditioning and ventilation systems.”

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The affected ship belongs to a company dedicated to paint solvents and at the time of the fire there were no workers in the ship.

The fire has forced to cut rail traffic between the stations of Mollet Sant Fost and Montmeló (Barcelona), and in the vicinity of the ship there is a gas station that is not being affected.
