A fight between neighbors and police in Mollerussa ends with six police officers injured

The Mossos have arrested four people and six officers have been injured after a confrontation between the police and around twenty residents of Mollerussa (Lleida). According to ‘El Segre’ and police sources confirmed to ACN, the events took place at 6:45 p.m. in the Jaume d’Urgell group, specifically between Pau Claris, Llorenç Vilaró and Camí d’Arbeca streets.

Police officers were preparing to arrest a man on a public street for robbery with force when about twenty people pounced on them to prevent it.

The Mossos requested reinforcements and the presence of public order units. Finally the arrest was made and, in addition, the police arrested three other individuals for attacking authority and obstruction of justice.

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Fruit of that episode six officers were slightly injured.

In recent months there have been several arrests that have been carried out in this neighborhood of the capital of Pla d’Urgell. The last was that of a couple accused of belonging to the Spanish branch of the neo-Nazi organization Combat 18.
