A few chunky pilots are always welcome in the hospital | 1Limburg

During the fixed weekend, it does not become a madhouse in the Emergency Department (A&E) in Maastricht UMC+. “Fortunately, it is not that bad every year, we know.”

Ronald Henry is a manager and internist in the emergency department of the university hospital in Maastricht. “On average we have 33 recordings during the carnival days. You can compare that with a normal night out in the city.” The internist has consulted admission reports from three carnival years: from 2018 to 2020.

Ronald Henry: “That is quite striking because of course a lot of people are on their feet. It deserves a compliment for the Limburgers. People just want to celebrate a nice party.”

No extra staff will be needed in the coming days, Henry says: “Of course we are prepared for anything, but we always are.”

Broken bones, lacerations and the occasional case of alcohol poisoning are the most common ‘vastelaoves’ injuries that Ronald Henry and his colleagues deal with.

Bacon with eggs
Traditionally, there is also a First Aid post on the Vrijthof in Maastricht. “People are taken care of there so that not everyone has to come to the hospital.”

For all kibble pilots who are transported to the emergency room after excessive alcohol consumption, in most cases they only sleep off their intoxication in a hospital bed. Henry: “We no longer empty a stomach. You can process the hangover yourself and in the morning a standard hospital breakfast is ready. Don’t expect bacon and eggs with us.”
