A fatality after an accident at a tuned car meeting in Terrassa

A person has died from the impact of a car this Sunday night in terrace during a stay tuned carsas reported by the channel 3/24. The events occurred in an industrial estate in the capital of the Valles Occidental, specifically in the venus street.

Three vehicles were involved in the accident. One jumped a give way and hit another, who in turn collided with a parked car. The latter rammed the victim who was sitting watching the souped-up car encounter.

Apart from the victim, three other people were injured: the driver of the car that jumped the yield, her passenger and another person who was next to the victim and who was also hit by the parked car. The latter is currently entered.

Charge of manslaughter and reckless driving

The driver of the vehicle, meanwhile, was arrested and spent the night from Sunday to Monday at the police station. She is accused of homicide and of reckless driving.

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This is the second fatal outrage this Sunday in the city. In the first, a 75-year-old woman was rammed in a pedestrian crossing regulated by traffic lights. The driver, who was going to work, tested negative for alcohol and drugs.

Read more news from terrace in the Local Editions of EL PERIÓDICO
