A fan’s car was destroyed by a loose tire – A wonderful act by the organizers

In the Indianapolis 500 race, a detached wheel flew over the safety fence. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

Ed Carpenter’s car is being towed away after the crash. PDO

The annual Indianapolis 500 race saw a dangerous situation this year when a competing car’s tire came off and flew over the safety fence. Fortunately, the tire flew past the stands, so no lives were lost.

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The tire flew straight into the parking lot, where it hit those who had come to watch the race by Robin Matthews to the car. Matthews’ car, which he has named Snowball, was so badly damaged that it had to be towed from the scene.

– I couldn’t see the parking lot because I was at a different part of the track, but my friend told me that the tire hit my car. My stomach dropped and I shook nervously. Of course, I was relieved that no one was hurt, Matthews said.

If you can’t see the embed on your device, you can watch it from here.

Matthews received a new car from the Indy 500 organizers as compensation. Matthews also got to see the legendary Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

If you can’t see the embed on your device, you can watch it from here.
