A family from Berga refuses to take their daughter to school where she suffers ‘bullying’

“Our daughter is bullied and we are not allowed to change her school. We don’t understand that the Department of Education does not take into account the well-being of the girl”. This is how they expressed themselves in statements to the newspaper ‘Regió7’, from the Prensa Ibérica group, Raül A. and Sandra M.., parents of a 10 year old girl who has completed up to 5th grade of primary school Sant Joan de Berga school.

Educació rejects his request to change it from the Sant Joan school to a center in Olvan

Last year, according to the parents, “lived through hell”, to the point that at the end of May they came to consider “that I no longer go back to class.” Finally, he finished the course but went to school “against his will”. Now they are clear that will not return. What they don’t know is where the girl will be able to study, when there is only one week left to start the course (Wednesday, September 6). Since April, they have lived a long journey of paperwork to change her school that have not prospered. Until the last minute, they hope that a case, for them, “blatant” will be resolved.

The parents say that their daughter had been treated for a long time “from contempt” by some classmates, which worsened during the past course. According to a pediatric report to which ‘Regió7’ has had access, not only did they leave her aside and corner her at patio time, but they also they insultedthey sang derogatory songs to him and they had come to him pull hair

Faced with this situation, at the beginning of last year the parents warned the Sant Joan school of the facts. They consider that the center has not done enough to prevent bullying, detect it and act. In this sense, although ‘Regió7’ has contacted the school, the management has not wanted to make any statements.

no arguments

At the same time, the parents requested a change of school and, advised by the psychologist of the girl, they opted for a small village school. Leave Sant Joan de Berga and register it in Olvan. This is the bet, but, for the moment, they have not succeeded. The inspector of the territorial services of Central Catalonia of the Department of Education has denied the request with no further arguments than “rejecting the request and maintaining the assignment at the Sant Joan de Berga school”.

Faced with this response from the month of June, Sandra M. and Raül A. filed an appeal with the director of the territorial services of the ‘conselleria’. Until this Tuesday, they had not received any favorable notification. They have the hope of these last days, knowing, they say, that “there is no problem for one more student at the Olvan school”, a municipality in which they are also registered.

The parents want the “calvary” that their daughter has experienced, that she is receiving psychological attention to be able to turn the page “on an episode of continuous school bullying”, they point out, that they live with “anguish and suffering”.

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For Sandra M. and Raül A. it is “very difficult to understand how, with knowledge of a justified cause of bullying, Educació does not make a move”. In this sense, they are willing to assess alternatives that the Department can offer: “Education does not give us arguments to say no, nor does it give us another option. The feeling we have is that they turn their backs on a serious problem such as bullying school”.

On the part of the Department of Education of the Generalitat, for the moment there has been no response despite the request of ”Regió7 to know its position on this case.
